
Article Marketer Techniques to Double Your Results

Here it is…The Methods from an Article Marketer Exposed for anyone willing to listen. This article was made to grab the attention of article marketers and to outline the detailed trainings to come, that will show step by step on how to get that first page rank in yahoo for every article!Pretty bold statement I know, but you have to understand that as an article marketer you need to be doing more then your competitors. If you are killing yourself but still ending up on page ten or worse on Google you are not alone. And sorry to say but that competition for a first page rank is with the top article marketers.But…What If You Knew Exactly What A Top Article Marketer Was Doing?My goal is to show you what steps to take so that you can get that 1st page ranking and keep it. There will be no fluff here, You'll get everything required to become a repeat 1st page ranking article marketer. Over the next couple of weeks I’ll go into total detail showing you exactly how to accomplish each and every thing I mention. I promise I won’t leave you hanging; you will have step by step instructions on how to lead as an article marketer. There’s no strings attached just good solid information, so keep a watch out on my blog or my YouTube account for those of you who enjoy a video rather than reading.Are we Prepared for some Article Marketing Techniques?Keywords- You will find hundreds of topics as to why you HAVE TO strategically pick each and every keyword. The Keywords you choose are what allow you to be found in the search engines and are required to get Google’s first page rank. But as an article marketer you have many things to keep in mind when strategically determining powerful keywords...this is not like Adwords. I will show you where to look and how to use your new information to do a few tests to drill down your choices to just 2 or maybe 3 keywords. Remember its not Quantity its Quality when working with keywords as an article marketer. Understand how to strategically add your keywords into your articles without doing what's called "stuffing" which will hurt you with the Google and/or Yahoo. Remember…you don’t have an powerful article if you don’t have strong keywords that you can dominate with.Blog-If you’re an article marketer you HAVE TO HAVE A BLOG! "A Blog to an article marketer" is like "food to a plate", yea you Motorcycle Gloves can eat without a plate, but not only will it create a mess but you have things everywhere. It’s cheap…I’m talking FREE unless you host your own domain name which I highly recommend. A Motorcycle Helmet blog is very quick and easy way you can post an article and also acts as a lead capture page that you can drive all of the traffic you get from your articles that you submit to different directories. A Profitable article marketer will always have a place for the readers to go, to see additional work that you may not have posted at that specific directory. For an example Google is a big fan of blogs, and because of this you will be able to have your articles rank better, and quicker. Trust me when I say that you are missing out on a huge opportunity to create profit from your articles if you are not posting and directing your article submissions to a blog or website! I will show you not only where to get a blog but how to set one up along with buying a domain name and making it all work. We'll go as far as grabbing a few Need To Have Plugins for an article marketer and knocking out your first post.Once you complete those 2 trainings you will have a great place to send readers and post aricles using strong keywords. Now we need to talk promotion, we need to get your articles “SEEN” and we will do this by using video and social marketing, along with building hundreds of back-links to solidify your rankings.You will see how you can develop a back-link strategy that promotes the ranking of your video and article submissions. In case you didn't know Google bought YouTube, what this means is Google “love’s videos” allowing a video rank higher and quicker than almost any article that’s written.

